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Zaum, which will release its 28th print issue this spring 2024, is entirely edited and designed by students. Any student, at either SSU or any other university, may submit their work to Zaum. Each issue publishes over 100 pages a year of poetry, fiction, nonfiction, or visual art, providing students with professional experience in layout, design, and marketing. The magazine is distributed throughout the Bay Area, as well as nationally and internationally, as many contributors are students in other states and countries. Zaum has received several national student awards from the Associated Writing Programs: for editorial vision, and for graphic design. Multiple student works featured in Zaum have also been nominated for the prestigious Pushcart Prize, Best New Poets, and Best of the Net.  

Contact Zaum @
Facebook: Zaum Press

Instagram: @zaumpress_ 
Twitter: @zaumpress1


Submit To Zaum!

Zaum accepts poetry, prose, and art from students around the globe; we are looking for pieces with diverse perspectives, and innovative stories and designs. 


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Our Staff

Miah Jeffra


Miah Jeffra is Assistant Professor of verbose proselytizing at the University of Bellbottoms. Their work has appeared in several journals, including the Taco Bell Quarterly and the James Franco Review. Miah lives in San Francisco with their husband, two dogs, fifteen houseplants and a camel named Larry.

Chlo Connaughton

Senior Editor

Chlo Connaughton is a current graduate student of English Literature at SSU. Her work has appeared in Zaum Literary Magazine and Salty Magazine. When Chlo isn't being a scholar studying old tomes, you can find her playing drums in her band Bad Thoughts. She loves Medieval literature, Emily Dickinson, Virginia Woolf, swords, and her basset hound Bert. 

Stacey Sims

Event Manager

Noelani Gutierrez

Communications Manager

Trent Glenn

Web Manager

Trent Glenn is an English major with a focus in Creative Writing at Sonoma State University. Trent's hobbies are skateboarding, playing video games, and reading. He is currently working on his first novel project.

Isabel Gonzalez

Web Manager

Isabel Gonzalez is a Creative Writing English major graduating Spring 2024. They love all things fantastical and horrific. Their perfect future has them traversing old ruins, meeting interesting people, seeing sights they’ve never thought possible, and eating good food.

Leif Dinger

Print Manager

Courtney Bowen

Print Manager

Hollis LeGate


Hollis LeGate is a playwright and author studying at Sonoma State, set to graduate in May 2024, and happy to get to work on this amazing issue of ZAUM. They are currently looking forward to their first publication. They live in the East Bay, and like ducks, and purple.

Bianca  Pacheco


Bianca Pacheco is an English Major at SSU and is set to graduate in Summer 2024. After college. She plans to self-study to enhance her writing skills in time to pursue Creative Writing MFA in 2025. When she can, she spends time reflecting during her hikes and beach days. She has two cats, Q-Tip and Castle, who are both a treat.

Leslie Vargas


Leslie Vargas is a current Creative Writing undergrad student at Sonoma State set to graduate in Spring 2025. When Leslie isn't in a classroom, you can find her working at the LARC as a peer writing tutor or spending their time watching horror movies and reading mostly fiction novels. She loves the color blue (maybe too much), discovering new music, spending their paychecks on books, and playing Dragon City.

Jaenna Meffred


Jaenna Mefferd is an English major in the Creative Writing concentration at Sonoma State, set to graduate in Spring 2025. When Jaenna isn't writing poetry or short stories, she can be found listening to music, making playlists, playing video games, or watching horror movies. She plans on getting her writing published after graduation.

Izzy Hall


Izzy Hall is an English major with a concentration in creative writing and is set to graduate Spring 2024. She is currently working on a few books, hoping to get them published in the future. When Izzy is not writing, you can find her reading, listening to Harry Styles or hanging out with friends. Izzy loves crystals, coffee and fantasy, romance and mystery novels. 

Kelsey Amundson


Kelsey Amundson is an English Major with a concentration in Creative Writing at Sonoma State University. She plans on graduating in Spring of 2025. She loves animals and has been working in pet care at Petsmart for almost two years. When not at work she can be found reading and trying to beat her previous year's reading goal.

Alexis Martyn


Alexis Martyn is an English major with a concentration in creative writing and will be graduating Spring 2024. She enjoys writing fiction, poetry, and will spend her free time doing yoga and reading. She hopes to pursue a career in journalism, especially after having such a great experience working on the Zaum team! 

Arie Mendez


Arie Mendez is an illustrator and printmaker set to graduate from SSU with a BA in the Spring of 2024. They are currently working as an illustrator for the up-and-coming ttrpg Tarotweaver, and hope to find more work illustrating for queer and creative projects in the future. In their free time they can be found playing other ttrpgs and badminton. 

Fernando Centeno Olmedo


Fernando Centeno Olmedo is an English Literature Major. When not studying or working, he spends his time listening to a variety of music or playing video games. He is pursuing a career as an English teacher.

Michael Ortmann


Michael Ortmann is an English major with a concentration in Literature at Sonoma State University. He enjoys reading stories and watching movies of all kinds, but especially loves a good comedy. He hopes to take the skills he has learned working with Zaum into a career in publishing.

Marshal Kilchenstein


Marshal Kilchenstein is an English major with a focus in Creative Writing. He enjoys playing a variety of video games but loves fantasy, especially if its story driven. Marshal is often writing, or making artwork for, his own stories. He is currently working on a novel as well as creating a visual novel that takes place in the same world as his other projects.

Campbell Smith



Campbell Smith is an English Major with a Creative Writing concentration. He graduates Sonoma State University in May, 2024. Three of his favorite things include: Walking in nature, playing soccer, and spending quality time with friends and loved ones. He also loves reading, writing, movies, and everything else related to storytelling. He will continue to improve upon his writing in the hopes of being a published author one day. 

Veronica Barrowcliff


Veronica Barrowcliff is an English Major with a concentration in Creative Writing who will graduate Sonoma State in Spring 2024. An aspiring editor, copywriter, and writer, she is grateful for the educational and inspirational opportunities she’s had in this creative field to help her expand her skills and understanding of the craft. When she’s not relaxing with family, friends, or her dog, she can be found walking, or to the best of her ability, progressing through one of her stronger novel-in-progress projects, or dabbling in several different writing assignments.

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