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Before Time Ancestors

Courtney Nicole Bowen

How do I talk to you?

You who have always been and who never was.

You who I have lost and forgotten with 

the passage of time and the crossing of great distances.
We have been separated,

once divided by the veil of light and darkness,

now torn asunder with my clumsy tongue.

How do I hear your voice?

You with stories of the night sky and the silent land,

and endless tales of roaming between sleeping trees.

If my tongue offends you, please I beg for pardon.

Your tricks and malevolence I do not wish for.

Your assistance is what I seek and crave.

Have I warranted your scorn?

Guide and protect me 

as I heal my wounds.

Grace me with your presence.

Guello yan guella, dispensa yu.

This ignorance of mine 

I cannot claim as my own.

Have I earned your company?

I wish to see you again.

Is there a common ground we share?

Yes, I know this to be true but I was young and

Too soft to behold you and your presence 

within the trees and resting sun.

I glimpse into hålom tåno and

I fled with my adolescent heart.

Now, allow me to learn and grow because

I know there is more for me to understand.

Is there a way to back to the deepest jungle?

Away from the noise and light is where I will find you

and make my way home to rest.

Saina ma’åse’, Na’an hu si Matua. 

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