How To: Forgiveness (a critical analysis)
Emma Paris
Drawn unconsciously,
with charcoal on her own body
as woman in water and
water in woman.
Woman on sand | she’s magnetic
Woman who can’t be | pulled away
Woman deprived | reunited at last
Woman meeting her beginning
millenia ago when her only ancestors
were ocean and moon.
Tribute, sacrifice, prayer for the same blood
that nourishes her body,
that has been everywhere-
Mariana trench, Amazon rainforest, Bermuda triangle,
feminine water feeding planet in crisis.
Half moon bowl soaking up smog,
saving trees by killing men.
Rageful, glowing, taken by rope,
woman harnesses ocean wind to
blow out her birthday candles,
gusts splitting the Atlantic,
temperament; tempera paint
marking her language as feminine.
Sketches birthing a new woman,
ready-made, share size girl
on the floor of a city that can’t look her
in the eye.