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seasonal madness
by Amira Gharib

spring is cut grass and new beginnings.

happy and suffocating,

glad to drown you in its sickly sweetness.

allergic and crippling,

pastel smiles and crinkly easter grass,

and I’m waiting for winter.

summer is dreadful.

freedom and laziness.

hating the sun and not being able to escape it.

crawling out of my skin.

staying inside.

and I can’t wait for fall.

fall is a breath of relief.

though summer still stains, 

with the annoyingly still-warm days.

but its balanced out, 

by crisp winds and crunch underfoot.

spices and sugar in your mouth

orange, yellow, and red in your eyes.

its cozy and lovely and simple,

but I can’t wait for winter.

its finally here and I’ve fallen in love.

the arrival of winter feels like falling backwards, 

knowing someone will catch me.

that my back will hit not the scalding black pavement 

but a soft, chilly cushion of snow.

winter is long nights and christmas lights,

seeing your breath and wearing big jackets,

the heater is on and the music is flowing,

everyone snuggling and family gathering,

flurries of shopping, vacations, preparations,

cooking and meeting and hugging and kissing.

though at the end of it all,

I’m ready again for spring.

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